“Plein Aire In Jamestown” won 3rd Place at the Newton Watercolor Society, Annual Member’s Show in December ’23. It was held at the Newton Town Hall. This painting is for sale.

“Plein Aire In Jamestown” won a merit award at the 2023 Celebrating New England Show at the NEWS Gallery in Plymouth, MA. Artscope Magazine featured it in the July ’23 issue. In December ’23, it also won an Award of Merit at the Newton Watercolor Society Members Show. It is for sale.

Isla loves Boggs received Honorable Mention in February 2023 with the Wellesley Society of Artists show.

Best in Show was awarded to my painting, Moose Pond, Bridgeton, ME at the Newton City Hall exhibit with the Newton Watercolor Society in October of 2022. This painting is now sold.

This painting, View from the Crane Estate, won Best in Show at the Newton Town Hall exhibit with the Newton Watercolor Society in October 2022. This painting is now sold.

The Merit Award was given to my painting “Moose Pond.” It was featured in the New England Watercolor Society Show in the fall of 2022 in Plymouth, MA.

Honorable Mention at the Newton Watercolor Society Light and Shadow Show for the watercolor painting “Mexican Restaurant” in June, 2022. This painting is for sale.

My painting “Fantasy Garden” was juried in at Art in Bloom at the Natick Library, June 2022. This painting is for sale.

2nd Place at the FLorida Keys for Key West Garden in 2019 show for the watercolor painting “The Key West Garden.”

Honorable Mention at the Wellesley Society of Artists in 2019 show for the watercolor painting “Westport Point Bridge.”

2nd Place at the Florida Keys Show in 2018 show for the watercolor painting “Palms at Fairchild Gardens in Miami.”

2nd Place at the Florida Keys Watercolor Society Show in 2017 for the watercolor portrait of “Eva.”